

  • 萃联(山东)消防设备有限责任公司
  • 电话:15508683119
  • 地址:山东省济南市历城区祝舜路44号
当前位置:首页 > 新闻中心川消消防泵房配电柜控制柜应符合几点要求


来源:http://www.cx-fire.com/ 日期:2022-06-16

1. the fire pump control cabinet shall be equipped with manual and mechanical pump starting function, and ensure that the fire pump can be started in an emergency by personnel with management authority in case of control circuit failure in the control cabinet. It shall work normally within 5min of alarm during manual operation.
2. the fire electrical control device, fire pump dual power control equipment, fire pump control equipment, and fire pump automatic patrol control equipment must pass the fire CCCF certification of the national emergency management department.
3. the fire electrical control device shall provide the two-dimensional code of the production flow information of fire products (i.e. the ID card of the fire electrical control device). The fire water supply system must have the normal automatic patrol function.
5. in order to ensure the stability and reliability of the fire water supply system, the relevant equipment must be provided by the same complete fire electrical manufacturer.
6. in order to meet the design requirements for the whole fire linkage control system, the manufacturer shall provide the secondary schematic diagram of the fire electrical control device.
7. the fire control equipment of Chuanxiao must have the function of intelligent fire interface.
8. the fire pump must have the function of intelligent fire interface
9. the starting mode of fire pump shall be star triangle type.
10. the fire control electrical control device is the core equipment of the fire control system, which must be provided by a qualified fire control complete set manufacturer.
In addition, generally we know that the fire pump control cabinet shall be set in the fire pump room or the special fire pump control room, and shall meet the following requirements:
First, because the fire pump is used anytime and anywhere, the cabinet controls the fire pump. In order to use the fire pump in a more timely manner, it needs to be in the state of automatic pump startup, which is set by the fire pump control cabinet.
Second, when the fire pump control cabinet is set in the special fire pump control room, it needs a certain degree of protection. Generally speaking, its dust prevention level should not be less than 30,; When it is set in the same space as the fire pump, its waterproof level shall not be lower than 55, so that it can have a relatively stable setting. Moreover, if it is required to start manually, corresponding personnel shall be on duty 24 hours.
Third, because most of the fire pump control cabinets deal with water, the control cabinet must have a certain moisture-proof and dehumidification function, so that it can be used well for a long time even in a high-temperature and humid environment, and the maintenance cost can be greatly reduced.
Fourth, the control cabinet of the fire pump of Sichuan fire protection Co., Ltd. is generally connected with a special line, which is conducive to the use of manually starting the fire pump. During the setting, the control cabinet should have the functions of automatic patrol inspection and adjustment, displaying patrol inspection status and signals, etc., so as to ensure that the fire pump can be used in time.
The above is the relevant content about the problem shared for you today. I hope it can help you. If you want to know more, you can contact us by phone or follow our website http://www.cx-fire.com 。

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