

  • 萃联(山东)消防设备有限责任公司
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来源:http://www.cx-fire.com/ 日期:2022-06-16

Fire pump is one of the fire-fighting equipment, which is mainly used to transport water or other fire extinguishing liquid for fire extinguishing. The fire pump and other equipment are used to pump water, and the water delivery efficiency is very high. How about the linkage of the equipment? How to better implement linkage control?
How to linkage fire pump linkage control
There are many types of fire pumps in Chuanxiao, and different fire pumps have different air extraction methods. The common commercial sprinklers, fire hydrants, water cannons, window sprays, etc. have the same starting principle, but the fire linkage principle is different.
Fire pumps are usually equipped with local control cabinets. The control cabinet has no automatic and manual transfer control switch, but the automatic control circuit leaves start and stop contacts, which are connected to the fire alarm system control module. In addition, according to relevant regulations, the system using bus linkage control shall also be provided with a button that can directly start and stop the pump in the fire control room.
When the fire alarm system receives the fire hydrant start pump button signal, the control module automatically starts the fire pump and collects its feedback signal.
How to better realize the linkage control of fire pump
The operation of reclaimed water fire extinguishing equipment in fire engineering is inseparable from the control of power supply and its action process. Therefore, it is an important responsibility of every fire design and construction personnel to formulate a practical and reliable fire pump linkage control scheme and form a real-time, reliable and standard fire extinguishing system.
There is no unified specification for the electrical control function requirements of Sichuan fire extinguishing system, which is scattered in GB50045-95 code for fire protection design of high rise civil buildings, gbj848 code for design of dynamic sprinkler system, gb5011698 code for design of fire a dynamic alarm system and gb50261-96a dynamic fire protection system. In the code for construction acceptance of automatic sprinkler system, some electrical operation function requirements are reflected in the column of fire water supply in the code.
Due to the above reasons, some designers fail to integrate the comprehensive requirements of the system functions, formulate some imperfect design schemes, or the design intent is not clear, and submit them to the construction unit a for decision. If we cannot pay attention, we cannot solve the problem in advance, causing unnecessary trouble. In engineering practice, the electrical control design of fire pump linkage control should pay attention to relevant matters.
The above is the relevant content about the problem shared for you today. I hope it can help you. If you want to know more, you can contact us by phone or follow our website http://www.cx-fire.com 。

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