

  • 萃联(山东)消防设备有限责任公司
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当前位置:首页 > 新闻中心川消车载自动灭火装置具有的消防能力


来源:http://www.cx-fire.com/ 日期:2022-06-17

There are many types of vehicle models, which is easy to confuse people. What kind of on-board automatic fire extinguishing device has efficient fire fighting capability? What is its design concept? Wait, let's discuss the relevant contents with you.
When designing the vehicle automatic fire extinguishing device, first of all, it is necessary to understand the vehicle protection space in detail, build the overall design idea, communicate with the applicable room in advance, understand what functions the vehicle automatic fire extinguishing device needs to achieve, and then carry out the vehicle automatic fire extinguishing. Design of equipment installation scheme.
Fire extinguishing agent shall be selected according to different protection spaces. Common fire extinguishing agents include water-based, perfluorohexanone, ultra-fine dry powder, etc. According to different types of vehicles, the installation routes of drug pipelines and detection lines are planned for vehicles of different models to ensure that they are not affected by vibration, maintenance and other factors during vehicle operation
After that, the protective space shall be accurately measured to determine the installation position of detection equipment and spraying equipment. The installation position of control unit, hand gas switch, alarm and other components shall be determined according to the actual situation of the vehicle
Chuanxiao believes that when installing on-board automatic fire extinguishing devices on vehicles, the installation position of detection equipment and the installation direction of sprinkler heads are very important and easy to be ignored. The installation direction of the detection equipment determines the detection range of the fire detection system.
The sprinkler controls the spraying of fire extinguishing agent. If these two components are not paid attention to in the design process, the fire detection speed will be slow and the fire control effect will not be satisfactory. Therefore, an automatic fire extinguishing device for vehicles is designed. In order to design a vehicle mounted fire extinguishing device with timely response to fire, good fire extinguishing effect, fast and efficient.
In addition, the vehicle adopts the vehicle automatic fire extinguishing device to provide fire protection, and provides a better fire response system, signal analysis system and fire extinguishing agent spray system through the customized fire extinguishing scheme design of technicians, so as to achieve the purpose of rapid response to fire and rapid fire control. At the same time, it has the fire alarm function to remind the surrounding operators to take correct fire-fighting measures in time.
For special vehicle fire-extinguishing devices with harsh working conditions, all metal components and protective sleeves are subject to anti-corrosion treatment, so that the vehicle automatic fire-extinguishing device has higher durability, stronger stability and lower failure rate during the use of underground special vehicles.
The above is the relevant content about the problem shared for you today. I hope it can help you. If you want to know more, you can contact us by phone or follow our website http://www.cx-fire.com 。

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