

  • 萃联(山东)消防设备有限责任公司
  • 电话:15508683119
  • 地址:山东省济南市历城区祝舜路44号
当前位置:首页 > 新闻中心川消消防软管卷盘使用方法以及使用步骤


来源:http://www.cx-fire.com/ 日期:2022-06-15

The fire hose reel is suitable for extinguishing the initial fire caused by class a carbohydrates such as paper, wood, cotton and linen fabrics. The hose reel is composed of valves, input pipelines, spokes, support frames, rocker arms, hoses, spray guns and other components. It is a fire extinguishing appliance that uses water as the fire extinguishing agent and can spray the fire extinguishing agent during the rapid deployment of the hose. Generally installed in the indoor fire hydrant box, it is a new type of indoor fixed fire-fighting device. Let's learn about the use method and steps of the lower fire hose reel.
Use procedures of fire hose reel
1. CFX fire hoses are generally installed indoors and should be set independently, which will not affect other configurations when used, so as to ensure safety.
2. When using, try to use more than 2 people. Open the fire hydrant box first, and one person takes out the water hose, etc. to make other preparations and connect the water head, etc. Others waited to open the water valve to discharge water and put out the fire.
3. Open the box door, pull the fire reel, drag the fire hose, open the valve and hose valve to put out the fire, and aim at the root of the fire.
What is the size of fire hose reel?
It can be divided into five types: water hose, dry powder hose, 1211 hose, carbon dioxide hose and foam hose.
Different hose reels have different specifications. Generally, the specification of water hose reel is 0.8, that of dry powder hose reel is 1.61211, that of carbon dioxide hose reel is 2.5, that of foam hose reel is 15, and that of foam hose reel is 0.8.
Use of fire hose reels
Generally, the fire hose is installed indoors, and it should have a separate setting. In addition, when it is used, it will not affect other configurations, and its security can be guaranteed. When using, two or more people are required to open the box of the fire hydrant at the same time, and one of them is required to take the water bag for preparation and connect the faucet. The other person is to open the water valve to discharge water, and then put out the fire.
Chuanxiao Xiaobian thinks that you should pay attention to its model when using it, because the rated working pressure of different models is also different. If the model does not match, it will be unsafe to use. At ordinary times, in some communities or places with a large number of residents, there will be some publicity work, that is, they will explain the fire safety.
It will also teach people how to protect the reel of fire hose during publicity, so as to avoid its aging. Generally, the interface of the fire hose is special and special, so it must be protected. If it is damaged, it must be replaced in time.
I hope the above can help you. For more relevant information, you can follow our website www.cx-fire COM, contact the professional customer service personnel to explain more and more detailed contents or questions for you, so that you can get something here!

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