

  • 萃联(山东)消防设备有限责任公司
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当前位置:首页 > 新闻中心川消分析高压二氧化碳灭火系统和低压二氧化碳系统区别


来源:http://www.cx-fire.com/ 日期:2022-06-14

Carbon dioxide gas has no residue after fire extinguishing, will not cause damage to protective articles, and will not destroy the atmospheric ozone layer. Moreover, it has a wide range of sources and low prices, and is widely used for the protection of precious reference rooms such as archives, power transformation and distribution rooms and other enclosed spaces. According to the storage pressure, it can be divided into high-pressure carbon dioxide fire extinguishing system and low-pressure carbon dioxide fire extinguishing system. Let's briefly understand the difference between the two.
The storage pressure of the high-pressure carbon dioxide fire extinguishing system is 5.7mpa, the working temperature range is 0 ~ 50 ℃, and the storage volume of the extinguishing agent is 70L, which can be used for both full flooding protection and local flooding protection. The storage of carbon dioxide extinguishing agent in the high-pressure system does not need to be equipped with a refrigeration and insulation system, so there is no daily operation energy consumption, convenient management and simple maintenance; The higher storage pressure makes the fire extinguishing agent have a larger transmission distance, which effectively improves the protection range of the system.
The storage pressure of low-pressure carbon dioxide fire extinguishing system is 2.1MPa, and the working temperature range is -20 ~ -18 ℃. Generally, it is only used for total flooding protection. Although the low-pressure system can store a large amount of extinguishing agent, it needs to be equipped with refrigeration and insulation system for storage, which has daily operation energy consumption, inconvenient management and complex maintenance.
In addition, the fire extinguishing principle of the high-pressure carbon dioxide fire extinguishing system is asphyxiation and has a small amount of cooling effect. Compared with other gas fire-extinguishing systems, the high-pressure carbon dioxide fire-extinguishing system can not only extinguish the fire by means of total flooding, but also carry out local application fire-extinguishing design. It can be applied flexibly to protect local parts prone to fire, such as rolling mills, printing presses, drying equipment, automobile factory paint production lines, etc.
Chuanxiao high pressure carbon dioxide fire extinguishing system has four startup modes: automatic startup, manual electrical startup, emergency stop and mechanical emergency manual operation. When it is used in attended places, automatic startup may not be set. Automatic startup when the control mode selection key on the gas fire extinguishing alarm controller is turned to the "automatic" position, the fire extinguishing system is in the automatic control state.
When a fire occurs in the protection area, the fire detector will send a fire signal, and the fire alarm controller will send an audible and visual alarm signal. At the same time, it will send a linkage command to close the interlocking equipment. After a certain delay time (0 ~ 30 seconds can be adjusted, and all personnel in the protection area must evacuate within this time), the controller will send a fire-fighting command to the fire-fighting equipment.
The electromagnetic driving device acts to open the container valve of the driving gas cylinder group to release the driving gas. The driving gas sequentially opens the corresponding selector valve and the container valve of the extinguishing agent cylinder group to release the extinguishing agent and put out the fire.
Manual electrical startup when the control mode selection key on the gas fire extinguishing alarm controller is turned to the "manual" position, the fire extinguishing system is in the manual electrical control state.
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