来源:http://www.cx-fire.com/ 日期:2023-11-23
The building fire hydrant water supply system is a fixed fire extinguishing equipment set up to extinguish fires inside the building, which is the basic fire extinguishing facility in the building. The water in the fire pool is pressurized (when the external network pressure does not meet the needs, the municipal pipeline network is used to directly absorb water) and transported to it.
The function of pressure switch and flow switch
The pressure switch set on the main outlet pipe of the fire pump and the flow switch set on the outlet pipe of the high-level fire water tank should be able to automatically start the fire pump directly.

The control method of starting the fire pump with the switch signals of pressure switches and flow switches has high reliability, replacing the previously used control method of fire buttons that may be operated incorrectly and have high investment.
Explanation of articles on pressure switches and flow switches
Pressure switches can generally use electric contact pressure gauges, pressure sensors, etc
流量开关 “应能在管道流速为 0.1m/s~10m/s 时可靠启动。”
The flow switch should be able to reliably start when the pipeline flow rate is between 0.1m/s and 10m/s
Existing problems
Pressure switch is not a general term for electric contact pressure gauge and pressure sensor, and there is a difference between electric contact pressure gauge and pressure sensor;
The flow switch does not specify a small or large flow rate that emits an automatic start switch signal;