来源:http://www.cx-fire.com/ 日期:2023-09-15
The main components of the fire hydrant system are:
The fire extinguishing system is composed of main components such as fire water source - fire pool - fire water pump - fire pipe network and valves (water pump adapter) - fire hydrant ->high-level water tank (pressure stabilizing pump).
1、 Fire water source:
Natural water sources can be used as firefighting water sources, usually municipal water supply.
Key points: dual path+ring network
The municipal water supply network used for two-way fire water supply should meet the following requirements:
Municipal water supply plants should have at least two main water supply pipes supplying water to the municipal water supply network;
The municipal water supply network should be a circular network;
There should be at least two different municipal water supply main pipes with at least two inlet pipes to supply water to the fire water supply system.
2、 Fire water pool:
Key points: effective volume+water replenishment time+fire water not used for other purposes
Effective volume
The effective volume of the fire pool should not be less than 100m3, and when only a fire hydrant system is installed, it should not be less than 50m3
When the fire pool adopts two ways of fire water supply and continuous replenishment in case of fire can meet the fire protection requirements, the effective volume of the fire pool should be determined based on calculation, but should not be less than 100m3. When only a fire hydrant system is installed, it should not be less than 50m3.
The calculation of the effective volume of the fire pool should comply with the following regulations:
When the municipal water supply network can ensure the design flow of outdoor fire water supply, the effective volume of the fire pool should meet the requirements for indoor fire water consumption during the duration of the fire;
When the municipal water supply network cannot guarantee the design flow of outdoor fire water supply, the effective volume of the fire pool should meet the requirements of the sum of indoor fire water consumption and the insufficient part of outdoor fire water consumption during the fire duration.
Water replenishment time
The water replenishment time should not exceed 48 hours
The water supply pipe of the fire pool should be determined based on its effective volume and replenishment time. The replenishment time should not exceed 48 hours, but when the total effective volume of the fire pool is greater than 2000m3, it should not exceed 96 hours. The diameter of the inlet pipe of the fire pool should be calculated and determined, and should not be less than DN100.
Fire water is not used for other purposes
Technical measures should be taken to ensure that the water used for fire protection is not used for other purposes in pools that are shared with other water sources.
3、 Fire water pump:
Key points: flow rate+head+characteristic curve
消防水泵生产厂商应提供完整的水泵流量扬程性能曲线,并应标示流量、扬程、气蚀余量、功率和效率等参数。5.1.4 单台消防水泵的小额定流量不应小于10L/s,大额定流量不宜大于320L/s。
The manufacturer of fire water pumps should provide a complete pump flow and head performance curve, and should indicate parameters such as flow, head, cavitation margin, power, and efficiency. The minimum rated flow rate of a single fire water pump should not be less than 10L/s, and the maximum rated flow rate should not be greater than 320L/s.
High level fire water tank
Key points: effective volume+static pressure difference+anti freezing
High level fire water tanks must be installed in high-rise civil buildings, public buildings with a total construction area greater than 10000m2 and more than 2 floors, and other important buildings;
Effective volume
The effective volume of the high-level fire water tank of the temporary high-pressure fire water supply system should meet the requirements for initial fire water consumption and comply with the following regulations:
A type of high-rise public building should not be less than 36m3, but when the building height is greater than 100m, it should not be less than 50m3, and when the building height is greater than 150m, it should not be less than 100m3;
Multi story public buildings, Class II high-rise public buildings, and Class I high-rise residential buildings should not be less than 18m3. When the height of Class I high-rise residential buildings exceeds 100m, it should not be less than 36m3;
Class II high-rise residential buildings should not be less than 12m3;
Multi story residential buildings with a building height greater than 21m should not be less than 6m3;
When the design flow rate of indoor fire water supply in industrial buildings is less than or equal to 25L/s, it should not be less than 12m3, and when it is greater than 25L/s, it should not be less than 18m3;
Store buildings with a total construction area greater than 10000m2 and less than 30000m2 should not be less than 36m3, and stores with a total construction area greater than 30000m2 should not be less than 50m3. When inconsistent with the provisions of paragraph 1 of this article, the larger value should be taken.
Static pressure difference

The location of the high-level fire water tank should be higher than the water extinguishing facility it serves, and the minimum effective water level should meet the hydrostatic pressure at the most unfavorable point of the water extinguishing facility, and should be determined according to the following regulations:
A type of high-rise public building should not be lower than 0.10MPa, but when the building height exceeds 100m, it should not be lower than 0.15MPa;
High rise residential buildings, Class II high-rise public buildings, and multi-story public buildings should not be less than 0.07MPa, and multi-story residential buildings should not be less than 0.07MPa;
Industrial buildings should not be less than 0.10MPa, and when the building volume is less than 20000m3, it should not be less than 0.07MPa;
Automatic water extinguishing systems such as sprinkler systems should be determined based on the required pressure of the nozzle for extinguishing fire, but the minimum pressure should not be less than 0.10MPa;
当高位消防水箱不能满足本条第1款~第4 款的静压要求时,应设稳压泵。
When the high-level fire water tank cannot meet the static pressure requirements of paragraphs 1 to 4 of this article, a pressure stabilizing pump should be installed.
The high-level fire water tank room should have good ventilation and should not freeze. When it is necessary to set up non heating rooms in areas with severe cold, cold or other winter freezing conditions, antifreeze measures should be taken, and the ambient temperature or water temperature should not be lower than 5 ℃.
The fire pool can be set outdoors, and when used in conjunction with the domestic pool, it needs to be set indoors
4、 Pressure stabilizing pump:
Key points: design flow rate+design pressure
Design flow rate
It should be calculated based on 1% to 3% of the design flow rate of fire water supply, and should not be less than 1L/s
The design flow rate of the pressure stabilizing pump should comply with the following regulations:
The design flow rate of the pressure stabilizing pump should not be less than the normal leakage rate of the fire water supply system pipeline network and the automatic start-up flow rate of the system;
The normal leakage rate of the fire water supply system pipeline network should be determined based on the pipeline material, interface form, etc. When there is no pipeline leakage data, the design flow rate of the pressure stabilizing pump should be calculated at 1% to 3% of the fire water supply design flow rate, and should not be less than 1L/s;
The automatic starting flow rate of alarm valves, pressure switches, etc. used in the fire water supply system should be determined based on the product.
Design pressure
The hydrostatic pressure should be greater than 0.15 MPa, with an increase of 0.07 MPa to 0.10 MPa
The design pressure of the pressure stabilizing pump should meet the following requirements:
The design pressure of the pressure stabilizing pump should meet the requirements of automatic system startup and water filling of the pipeline network;
The design pressure of the pressure stabilizing pump should maintain that the pressure at the set point of the system's automatic pump starting pressure is greater than the set automatic pump starting pressure value of the system in the quasi working state, and the increase value should be 0.07MPa~0.10MPa;
The design pressure of the pressure stabilizing pump should maintain the static water pressure of the water extinguishing facilities at the most unfavorable point of the system in the quasi working state, which should be greater than 0.15MPa.
The temporary high-pressure fire water supply system with a pressure stabilizing pump should be equipped with technical measures to prevent frequent start and stop of the pressure stabilizing pump. When using a pneumatic water tank, its regulating volume should be determined based on the number of times the pressure stabilizing pump is started no more than 15 times/h, but the effective water storage volume should not be less than 150L.
5、 Water pump adapter:
自动喷水灭火系统、水喷雾灭火系统、泡沫灭火系统和固定消防炮灭火系统等水灭火系统,均应设置消防水泵接合器。5.4.3 消防水泵接合器的给水流量宜按每个10L/s~15L/s计算。每种水灭火系统的消防水泵接合器设置的数量应按系统设计流量经计算确定,但当计算数量超过3个时,可根据供水可靠性适当减少;
Water fire extinguishing systems such as automatic sprinkler system, water spray extinguishing system, foam extinguishing system and fixed fire monitor extinguishing system shall be equipped with fire pump adapter. 5.4.3 The water supply flow of the fire pump adapter should be calculated at a rate of 10L/s to 15L/s. The number of fire pump adapters for each type of water extinguishing system should be determined through calculation based on the system design flow rate. However, when the calculated number exceeds 3, it can be appropriately reduced based on water supply reliability;
6、 Fire water pump room:
Key points: equipment layout+environmental requirements+setting location
Equipment layout
The layout of the fire pump unit should comply with the following regulations:
The clear distance between adjacent units and the wall should not be less than 0.60m when the motor capacity is less than 22kW; When the motor capacity is not less than 22kW and not more than 55kW, it should not be less than 0.8m; When the motor capacity is greater than 55kW and less than 255kW, it should not be less than 1.2m; When the motor capacity is greater than 255kW, it should not be less than 1.5m;
When the fire water pump is undergoing on-site maintenance, a channel with a width of at least 0.5m should be installed on one side of each unit, and it should be ensured that the fire water pump shaft and motor rotor can be disassembled during maintenance;
The main passage width of the fire pump room should not be less than 1.2m.
Environmental requirements
Ventilation should be designed at 6 times per hour
The design of the fire pump room should be based on the specific situation and design corresponding heating, ventilation, and drainage facilities, and should comply with the following regulations:
The heating temperature in winter freezing areas such as severe cold and cold should not be lower than 10 ℃, but should not be lower than 5 ℃ when unmanned;
The ventilation of the fire pump room should be designed at 6 times per hour;
The fire pump room should be equipped with drainage facilities.
Set Position
It should not be set at or below the third underground floor
The fire pump room should comply with the following regulations:
The fire resistance rating of an independently built fire pump room should not be lower than Level 2;
The fire water pump room attached to the building should not be installed on three or less underground floors, or on underground floors with a height difference of more than 10m between the indoor ground and the outdoor entrance ground;
The fire water pump room attached to the building should be separated from other parts by partition walls with a fire resistance limit of no less than 2.0h and a 1.50h floor slab. The evacuation door should directly lead to the safety exit, and the door opening towards the evacuation aisle should use Class A fire doors.
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