

  • 萃联(山东)消防设备有限责任公司
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当前位置:首页 > 新闻中心干粉灭火系统为什么不适用于钠、钾等活泼金属的火灾


来源:http://www.cx-fire.com/ 日期:2023-06-03

The dry powder fire extinguishing system mainly consists of two parts, namely the dry powder fire extinguishing equipment part and the automatic fire detection and control part.
(1) The dry powder extinguishing section consists of a dry powder storage tank, a power cylinder, a pressure reducing valve, a powder conveying pipeline, and a nozzle.
(2) The automatic disaster detection and control section includes equipment such as fire detectors, starter bottles, and alarm controllers.
System classification
1. According to fire extinguishing methods, it is divided into fully submerged dry powder fire extinguishing systems and locally applied dry powder fire extinguishing systems.
2. According to the design situation, it is divided into design type dry powder fire extinguishing systems and prefabricated dry powder fire extinguishing systems.
3. It is divided into a combination allocation system and a unit independent system according to the protected object.
4. According to the storage method of driving gas, it is divided into gas storage dry powder fire extinguishing system, pressure storage dry powder fire extinguishing system, and gas type dry powder fire extinguishing system.
So, do you know why dry powder fire extinguishing systems are not suitable for fires involving active metals such as sodium and potassium? Below, Chuanxiao will analyze for you:
Dry powder is divided into ABCD types, and the main component of ABC type is sodium bicarbonate, which decomposes into carbon dioxide and water vapor upon heating
Active metals, such as sodium and potassium, can react with carbon dioxide and water, and their combustion products such as sodium peroxide, potassium peroxide, and potassium peroxide can also react with carbon dioxide and water. Therefore, dry powder fire extinguishers cannot be used for metal fires, and can only be covered with sand or specialized Class D dry powder fire extinguishers.
It doesn't mean that, it mainly depends on what type of dry powder you use in the fire extinguishing system. If your fire extinguishing system contains ABC type dry powder, it cannot be used to extinguish fires of active metals such as sodium and potassium. If you have any further questions or needs, welcome to our website http://www.cx-fire.com consulting service

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