

  • 萃联(山东)消防设备有限责任公司
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当前位置:首页 > 新闻中心川消整体灭火系统的常见部件以及作用


来源:http://www.cx-fire.com/ 日期:2022-06-21

Chuanxiao gas fire extinguishing system is generally composed of bottle group, container, container valve, one-way valve, selector valve, pressure reducing device, driving device, collecting pipe, connecting pipe, nozzle, signal feedback device, safety relief device, leak detection device, low discharge and high sealing valve, etc. Different gas fire extinguishing systems have different structural forms and the number of components. Let's explain the common components and functions.
1. bottle group
The gas extinguishing agent bottle group is generally composed of container, container valve, siphon (except for the inert gas system bottle group), extinguishing agent, etc., which is used to store extinguishing agent and control the release of extinguishing agent. The cylinder group of the pipe network system is fixed on the steel cylinder rack and connected with the system collecting pipe through the connecting pipe; The bottle group of the cabinet type gas fire extinguishing device is fixed in the cabinet; The cylinder group of the suspended gas fire extinguishing device is suspended above the protected object with a fixed support.
2. container
Container is an important component used to store fire extinguishing agent and starting gas. It is divided into steel seamless container and steel welded container.
3. vessel valve
The container valve can be divided into two types according to the purpose: the container valve on the fire extinguishing agent cylinder group and the container valve on the driving gas cylinder group; According to the sealing form, it can be divided into piston seal and diaphragm seal; According to the structure, it can be divided into three types: diaphragm type, self sealing type and pressure arm type; According to the starting mode, it can be divided into six types: pneumatic starting type, electromagnetic starting type, electric explosion starting type, manual starting type, mechanical starting type and combined starting type
4. selector valve
The selector valve is used in the combined distribution system and installed on the fire extinguishing agent release pipeline to control the release of the fire extinguishing agent to the corresponding protection area. In the combined distribution system, each protection zone is provided with a selector valve, which is generally opened before or at the same time with the container valve. The selector valve can be divided into piston type, ball valve type, pneumatic starting type, electromagnetic starting type, electric explosion starting type and combined starting type.
5. nozzle
Nozzle is a component used to control the flow rate and spray direction of extinguishing agent. It is a key component of gas fire extinguishing system. According to the application form, the nozzle can be divided into the nozzle for full flooding fire extinguishing and the nozzle for local application fire extinguishing. Gas shall be ejected from the nozzle for total flooding fire extinguishing; For local application of fire extinguishing method, liquid or solid shall be sprayed from the nozzle.
6. check valve
The one-way valve of the fire extinguishing agent circulation pipeline is installed between the connecting pipe and the collecting pipe to prevent the fire extinguishing agent from flowing back from the collecting pipe to the fire extinguishing agent bottle group. The drive gas control pipeline check valve is installed on the starting pipeline to control the gas flow direction and start a specific valve. According to the position installed in the pipeline, the check valve can be divided into the one-way valve of the fire extinguishing agent flow pipeline and the one-way valve of the driving gas control pipeline; According to the type of sealing parts moving in the valve body, it can be divided into sliding block type, ball type and disc type.
7. collecting pipe
The collecting pipe is a collecting pipe that collects the fire extinguishing agents of multiple fire extinguishing agent bottle groups and distributes them to each protection area.
8. connecting pipe
The connecting pipe can be divided into the connecting pipe between the container valve and the collecting pipe and the connecting pipe of the control pipeline. The connecting pipe between the vessel valve and the collecting pipe is divided into high-pressure stainless steel connecting pipe and high-pressure rubber connecting pipe according to the material.
9. safety relief device
The safety relief device is installed on the bottle group and the collecting pipe to prevent the explosion of the bottle group and the fire extinguishing agent pipeline when they are under abnormal pressure. The safety relief device on the bottle group can be installed on the container or the container valve. The safety relief device can be divided into fire extinguishing agent cylinder group safety relief device, driving gas cylinder group safety relief device and header safety relief device.
10. driving device
The driving device is used to drive the container valve and selector valve to make them act. It can be divided into pneumatic actuator, detonating actuator, electromagnetic actuator, mechanical actuator and gas actuator.
11. leak detection device
The leak detection device is used to monitor the pressure or mass loss of the medium in the bottle group. It includes pressure display, weighing device, liquid level measuring device, etc.
12. signal feedback device
The signal feedback device is a device installed on the fire extinguishing agent release pipeline or selector valve to convert the pressure or flow signal released by the fire extinguishing agent into an electrical signal and feed back to the control center. Common is the signal feedback device that converts the pressure signal into an electrical signal, also known as the pressure switch.
13. pressure reducing device
The inert gas fire extinguishing system is required to be equipped with a pressure reducing device, which can reduce the pressure of the high-pressure gas released from the fire extinguishing agent bottle group to the engineering design value. It is generally set at the outlet of the container valve, the inlet of the selector valve or the one-way valve. It has the characteristics of nominal pressure and decompression.
14. low discharge and high seal valve
Chuanxiao low pressure relief high pressure seal valve is a valve set in the pipeline to prevent the system from malfunction due to the accumulation of driving gas leakage. It is installed on the startup pipeline of the system. It is normally open and closed only when the inlet pressure reaches the set pressure. Its main function is to remove the gas accumulated in the startup pipeline due to air source leakage.
The above is the relevant content about the problem shared for you today. I hope it can help you. If you want to know more, you can contact us by phone or follow our website http://www.cx-fire.com 。

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