

  • 萃联(山东)消防设备有限责任公司
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当前位置:首页 > 新闻中心川消讲解消防用的泡沫灭火剂种类以及特点


来源:http://www.cx-fire.com/ 日期:2022-06-13

Fluoroprotein foam solution
The shelf life of the product is two years. The product can be mixed with water in the ratio of 3:97 or 6:94 in various low expansion foam generation equipment to produce foam for fire extinguishing. It is widely used in oil fields, oil depots, petrochemical enterprises, ships, airports and other large oil fires.
Fluoroprotein foam fire extinguishing agent fp3/6% is prepared by properly adding fluorocarbon surfactant on the basis of protein foam fire extinguishing agent. Compared with protein foam fire extinguishing agent, it has the advantages of significantly lower surface tension and interfacial tension, small shear stress, good fluidity, strong oil drainage ability and high oil pollution resistance. Therefore, the fire extinguishing agent has the advantages of rapid fire extinguishing (fire extinguishing time is shortened by 1/3~1/2), advanced underarm spraying method can be used to extinguish large oil tank fires, and can be combined with dry powder fire extinguishing agent.
Class a foam extinguishing agent
Class a foam extinguishing agent is rich in foam, fine and strong in adhesion. Due to the use of fluorocarbon composite surfactant in the formula, the foam has good durability, stable water separation time and low surface tension of liquid separation water. In case of class A (solid) fire, its foam will continuously adhere to the surface of the combustor to form an anti heat insulation and anti radiation protective layer, and the stable and lasting foam will not flow at will, reducing the loss of water stains.
Due to the continuous release of viscous liquid with strong permeability from foam, it can penetrate into the depth of the negative flame of solid combustibles, promote and stabilize the water separation. The foam is rapidly spread under the action of water film. The stable and lasting foam and stable and lasting water separation can not only quickly extinguish the fire, but also effectively prevent the reburning of combustibles. Therefore, the product has the advantages of good foam stability and anti reburning effect.
Class a foam extinguishing agent can control the amount of foam supplied according to different proportions to achieve better extinguishing effect. It can increase the viscosity of water and adhere to the surface of combustibles to form a protective layer against radiation. The anti burning ability is increased and it is not easy to re ignite. It can be used in the proportion of 0.1~1%, so that foam can give full play to its great advantages and enable enterprises to obtain great economic benefits and life safety.
Alcohol resistant foam solution
The alcohol resistant foam solution ar3/6% can be mixed with water in the ratio of 3:97 or 6:94, and can be foamed in various low expansion foam generation equipment. The generated foam is applied to the surface of alcohols or other solvents, which can resist the destructive foam solution to foam, also known as anti solvent foam solution. It can quickly put out the fires of alcohol, ester, ether, ketone, aldehyde and other solvents, as well as various oil fires. It is widely used in chemical plants, chemical fiber plants, solvent plants, oil fields, oil depots and other key fire prevention places. The shelf life of the product is two years.
Water extinguishing agent
When the water-based fire extinguishing agent disperses on the surface of the combustor, it releases liquid to cool its surface, forms a water film on the surface of the combustor and a foam layer to jointly seal the surface of the combustor, isolate the air, form a heat insulation barrier, vaporize the liquid after absorbing heat and dilute the oxygen content of the air on the surface of the combustor, asphyxiating the combustor and preventing the continuation of combustion;
At the same time, Chuanxiao Xiaobian believes that the fire extinguishing agent reacts with the combustion substance to form a polymeric substance, which can effectively inhibit or reduce the generation of combustion free radicals, destroy the combustion chain and prevent combustion. Because the water extinguishing agent has the dual functions of physical and chemical fire extinguishing, that is, cooling and covering, and also has the function of destroying the combustion chain. In the model, s represents water system, 10 represents ratio, and ab represents extinguishable class A and class B fires.
It can quickly extinguish ordinary solid material fire (Class A) and combustible liquid fire (class B). It has fast fire extinguishing speed and strong resistance to re ignition. It has the function of eliminating dense smoke and rapidly cooling down when extinguishing.
The above is the content to be explained today. I believe that after reading the description of this article, you can have a certain understanding of the product. I hope the above content can help you. In addition, if you want to learn more about our website, you can pay more attention to our website at www.cx-fire com。

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